Mid-Atlantic Rubber is proud to Introduce a new generation of mounts. Fluidlastic™ Mounts combine rubber and fluids to provide vibration isolation and noise reduction measurably better than conventional mounts. They also provide greater versatility because the mounts are tuned to precisely match application requirements. This new generation of mounts will help you solve tough vibration and noise problems.
Three-In-One Performance
The Fluidlastic Mount is three mounts in one depending upon the frequency and amplitude of the excitation. First, it’s a spring providing basic load and motion capability to the system. Second, it’s a damper providing restricted motion at or near resonant conditions. And thirdly, it’s a tuned absorber providing superior isolation at a specific frequency.
Fluidlastic Mounts are rubber mounts which encapsulate a fluid that fl ows through a variety of ports and orifices depending upon the dynamic characteristics needed (see Figure 1). The result is a very versatile and effective vibration isolator.
Why They Out-Perform Conventional Rubber Mounts
The Fluidlastic Mount concept allows the use of a softer mount for better isolation of vibration and uses internal fl uid damping to reduce motions at resonant conditions or shock inputs. Fluidlastic mounts offer tuneable damping. The level of damping and the frequency where the peak damping occurs can be specifi ed. A variety of fl uids and orifi ce confi gurations create this damper effect. The fl uid provides damping in the amplification region, as well as very low damping in the isolation region.
Another important feature of the Fluidlastic Mount is a conveniently packaged tuned absorber. Fluid movement within the mount as it is defl ected becomes a tuned mass at a specifi c frequency or frequency band. This absorber effect is accomplished by the porting and geometry of the fl uid path within the mount. The result is a dynamic stiffness that is considerably softer than the static stiffness for that frequency range. This feature is especially useful in improving isolation of noise or vibration at a predominant frequency.
LORD Corporation’s design experience along with our test and analytical capability makes LORD the leader in the fi eld of a new generation of mounts. Contact LORD Engineering to review your job application requirements.