LORD Plateform Mounts

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LORD Multiplane Plateform Mounts

LORD Multiplane Plateform Mounts

The LORD Multiplane Mount Series is designed to effectively reduce vibrations. The shape of the flexible part ensures even stress distribution, and with strong bonding and specially made materials, these mounts are built for long-lasting use.

These versatile mounts come in three styles: square, diamond, or holder, making them suitable for different design needs. The Multiplane Mount Series can support weights ranging from 1 to 45 pounds.

LORD Plateform Mounts are easy to install and provide space efficiency. Typical applications include electronic equipment, business machines, medical equipment and small pumps, engines and gensets.

Features and Benefits
  • Economical
  • Compact and lightweight
  • Easy to install
  • Maintenance-free
  • Three size groups: small, medium and large
  • Unitized construction
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LORD Multiplane Plateform Mounts

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